Social Security Administration

ETSI has always offered the Department of Energy with Best in Class IT software.

About Social Security Administration

SSA offers a variety of services including the ability to appeal judgments, and the ability to apply for Social Security payments. The Administration provides services throughout the United States through regional offices, field offices, and care centers.

Enterprise Technology Solutions Inc. has the industry knowledge and hands-on skills to effectively integrate data security with the technology for government organizations. Enterprise Technology Solutions Inc. provides IT hardware, software and cloud solutions to address both the possibilities and risks of contemporary business as a trusted IT reseller and established industry leader.

Our IT services for government organizations identify areas where a system failure is likely to occur, and we help agencies with the right IT strategy to avert or correct any compromising situations.

Enterprise Technology Solutions Inc. has the specialists to guide you through your hardware and software transitions, whether you want to introduce new solutions or upgrade your existing systems. Our IT professionals will direct you to hardware and software solutions that are ideal for your current and future company needs. Our knowledge comes from decades of field-testing goods so that our clients can benefit from just the most tried-and-true solutions to improve their IT performance.

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Certificate Number

DAS 33830708/19/Q REV - 001